December 29, 2009

Preparing a great finally '2009

I'm currently in Santo Domingo sitting in front of a fan
acting like a princess but feeling like a prisoner
The time is 3:12 am, 1 hour ahead of my normal time

I´ve been hating the year 2009 for about two months now and I know many of us can say the same.. This year was supposed to be the year of recovery from 2008´s madness (xcept Obama) but turned out to be the cherry on top for that 08´hmmhmm.
Nevertheless without 2009 we would´nt have 2010, so thank God for this beautiful life that still continues on earth... I´m glad to still be here.
Ever since Christmas I´ve been thinking a lot about family and how we work with each other. It´s great to have a group of people that will always be around no matter what happens. I want to get rid of some baggage that I´v been carrying around to start 2010 CLEAN.



I´ve been enjoying the sun, food, and ofcourse, people.
Everyday has been complete madness
and there´s no room for repetition
I adore being surrounded by my little brother, sisters, and father
but most important my mother
Our relationships get stronger by the seasons

I am a bit
but not really homesick...
I´ve been browsing online trying to catch up with the regular´s
seems to me like everyone is making a few changes before 2010 themselves

Basically I'm getting old, you're getting old, and sh*ts getting old
...I wanna keep it moving and keep me learning

I danced my ass off everyday this week
and Im not stopping until I go back to NY
... its too damn sexy here for me not to enjoy myself.
Besides, it is
my vacation


DR gives me feeling:

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November 30, 2009


Most of us treat Earth like a stranger...
when we are all tres familiar with this place
and even though we don't know exactly how we got here

Its still home
Please don't liter

I'm seeing peoples problems covering the sidewalks

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November 8, 2009

Sex appreciation.

A second,
whose complexity and sentiment is ignored.
Their value is lessen yet reproductive to life.
A large population dominated by the recessive other

- a Women:

The golden yet silver utensil of the human race.

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November 4, 2009

Fresh Air.

L.aura (Elle-aura)

Laura which is Dominicanly pronounced LA-RAH

I picked up the nickname Elleaura from the sidewalks of Brooklyn
It is the mixture of my inner and outer self
EllE is the character that steps in the club to do her little two step : people usually meet her first
aura is the second transformation after breaking Elle apart.
I know this may sound like some Pokemon shit but "it is what it is" and we all do it.
Someone once told me that if I always act like Elle , aura would be miserable.
...and they were right.
Entering adulthood is a mighty task to complete.
I barely passed it with a 2.0
no shame to that

I was a female whose artistic heart was drowning in melancholia,

and after a few trips and stumbles
Someone finally threw a life jacket and saved me from drowning
That someone - was me.

On with Sucess!!!!!!

October 14, 2009

Who was I?

I hear my 6:10 am alarm and ignore it.

It's already 7:08 am and Laura is already late for school.
:: I run in some jeans and sneakers to try and make the last 35 mins of class.
I walk in the classroom and no one can recognize me under the new bangs.
I take a cold looking seat and leave my hood on...
I feel different today, not me... not me at all
I'm down to my last cigarette and my second class is almost starting.
I put it out in shame and walk towards the portables.
Its quite here and everyone is swallowing shame because test scores are shortly announced.
Going down the D list was already hell for me.
It wasn't until he reached the R's that I almost fell!
Finally, he calls my last name and shouts: 81! -- a B -- a passing grade.
Which only gave me happiness for a short while...
a passing grade, one relevant symbol of success
When class was over, I'm puffing my last stick realizing that I must face the cold,
again and alone. Without any companion but my i pod... like how its been lately.
I hop on the B train and my usual seat is taken by a short middle aged women
who repeatedly grins at me.
I pass her and walk towards the last seat to the left.
My hood is still on my head and I'm still some sort of  zombie.
I go home, shower, and make up myself for the usual "routine"
I barely look in the mirror, because when I try tears want to appear
I feel odd in MY clothes, in MY shoes!!
Everything seems unreachable and I'm too short for these games!
I am a stranger in my own skin::
I'm trying to remain strong and play the person that I know is in me but today is missing///
It is strange.
I am pretending to be myself because the real me inside is lost, she's banished.
I reach work where things are jumpy and moody --
I cant...
I cant...
I can't continue to write this.. it makes no sense.....
Today is the day I lost myself
and I'm trying to find me
and i cant
and by writing this just makes me more angry
I hate the feeling of

 Maybe throwback NERD can help

October 2, 2009


Sometimes solitude sounds great.
But feeling love from others makes the loneliness go away.
I still have a zillion thoughts about being alone.
But being around people is awesome, and all i know.

And I claim to be "the loneliest bitch in NY'.

People we are, People we love

iight I'mtalkintoooomuch

August 13, 2009

Telling a little...

To make some understand...

Sometimes I am and sometimes I m not.

I try my best to be- damn its hard.
I please others to please myself- and lately there's been no pleasing at all.
I used to walk and let others get ahead- but today I run and don't look back.
The older I get the more stops I make
and I seem to stop here the most
Sometimes I feel heavy - but laughter always makes me light.
I seem to always ask the wrong questions- because I cannot get solid answers
I fear to care and I fear to not
So I pretend to be the medium
But I m really on the heavier end
I try to remember that I m not the only one who struggles...
and people just like me have the same issues
and seem to

April 7, 2009

Turning 21. [12am-12pm]

Thank You everyone who contacted me on my 21st Birthday! I'm so glad to get some of my contacts back. More or less I'm very surprised that many of you even remembered that silly date to be my birthday.
I'm full of cheezy-ass smiles right now.

The celebration actually started on Saturday popping some Moet Nectar at the office which was the perfect excuse to lack-ff some more!
Sunday was great -- supporting Noise Maker Media and the premier of The Ultimate. Sunday night dinner was extremely orgasmic (thanks guys).
Monday... The Rain was lovely (sarcasm not intended)
I had an 8am exam, and a 11am doctors appointment , for lunch-Sushi , and Dinner- the best cooked fish in America washed down with some Rose Champagne at the office with two geeky guys <3
After work- Went to the coolest most bebopish jazz bar ever: Im promoting the great wine!
After the great music, better ambiance came along...
Great flowers, gifts, and hugs.

Ahh... it was great! - Thank yOu all!

April 6, 2009 From a slanted perspective...

^ this was actually on Monday at the office. Looked a bit bum-ish but was comfortable :)

-Pictures taken with my BB.
                                   ...nothing fancy, just filled with great thinking and surroundings!

February 24, 2009

The Face

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My phone was stolen. Lesson learned.
Lost 300+ contacts and over 1,000 pics.

Believe IT!