December 29, 2009

Preparing a great finally '2009

I'm currently in Santo Domingo sitting in front of a fan
acting like a princess but feeling like a prisoner
The time is 3:12 am, 1 hour ahead of my normal time

I´ve been hating the year 2009 for about two months now and I know many of us can say the same.. This year was supposed to be the year of recovery from 2008´s madness (xcept Obama) but turned out to be the cherry on top for that 08´hmmhmm.
Nevertheless without 2009 we would´nt have 2010, so thank God for this beautiful life that still continues on earth... I´m glad to still be here.
Ever since Christmas I´ve been thinking a lot about family and how we work with each other. It´s great to have a group of people that will always be around no matter what happens. I want to get rid of some baggage that I´v been carrying around to start 2010 CLEAN.



I´ve been enjoying the sun, food, and ofcourse, people.
Everyday has been complete madness
and there´s no room for repetition
I adore being surrounded by my little brother, sisters, and father
but most important my mother
Our relationships get stronger by the seasons

I am a bit
but not really homesick...
I´ve been browsing online trying to catch up with the regular´s
seems to me like everyone is making a few changes before 2010 themselves

Basically I'm getting old, you're getting old, and sh*ts getting old
...I wanna keep it moving and keep me learning

I danced my ass off everyday this week
and Im not stopping until I go back to NY
... its too damn sexy here for me not to enjoy myself.
Besides, it is
my vacation


DR gives me feeling:

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