November 4, 2009

Fresh Air.

L.aura (Elle-aura)

Laura which is Dominicanly pronounced LA-RAH

I picked up the nickname Elleaura from the sidewalks of Brooklyn
It is the mixture of my inner and outer self
EllE is the character that steps in the club to do her little two step : people usually meet her first
aura is the second transformation after breaking Elle apart.
I know this may sound like some Pokemon shit but "it is what it is" and we all do it.
Someone once told me that if I always act like Elle , aura would be miserable.
...and they were right.
Entering adulthood is a mighty task to complete.
I barely passed it with a 2.0
no shame to that

I was a female whose artistic heart was drowning in melancholia,

and after a few trips and stumbles
Someone finally threw a life jacket and saved me from drowning
That someone - was me.

On with Sucess!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ...and we all do it"
    i adore you for your honesty!
