March 29, 2010

An evening to myself.

Jeez I finally Broke out of a nasty shell,
it was keeping me away from knowing the things that I needed to 
about me.
I let my self go and broke all of the fences that surrounded me.
Then I sang and hit a note I used to dare not.
Dare I did and did was good
Not caring feels so 

March 26, 2010

A hidden Loop

Do it once and forgive
Do it second but remind
Do it third to repeat
Do it fourth so forget
Numbers are silent, and those never lie.

March 16, 2010


  People being, stop being, when stopped by People. 
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March 11, 2010


If you read this,

I Love You.

March 4, 2010

El sucio

Ayer mis palabras se cailleron
Se callieron de mi boca como liquido se cai en el piso
La situation Pudo ser mas limpia  si el liquido fuera agua
Pero lo que se caillo y ensusio el piso fue malicia
La malicia que es negra y dagina
La malicia que nacio de un momento enojado
Pero no te preocupes porque hoy…limpie el piso con Clorox.